Friday, November 29, 2019

Week 13!

Hello Everyone!

This week at SJA, the JK-3 students participated in summative tasks for the gymnastics portion of Unit 3. The JK and SK students demonstrated their ability to perform 6 gymnastics skills that they were taught: Seated tuck, straddle, pike, straight jump, star jump and a dismount off a balance beam (bench). We did this in the form of Simon Says where I would call out a skill and the students would perform that skill as fast as possible.

The grade 1's, 2's and 3's were able to create their own gymnastics routines with specific criteria. They were given a rubric as well as examples, and were asked to work in a group in order to create a routine that flows well together. We are still in the process of completing the routines and performing them in front of each class. So far, I'm loving the creativity and teamwork!

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